Breathable Materials: 6 Light fabrics that will keep you cool on hot days


Abysmally hot and sweaty? These fabrics should do the trick!

Ugh, summer, summer, summer. Don’t you just wish our climate had different seasons to offer us a respite from the sweltering heat? Whether it’s the breezy autumn or the chilly winter, I think we could all use a breather from the scorching temperatures. But, life’s unfair, and we just need to suck it up and get used to it.

Since we can’t be cooping ourselves up in air-conditioned rooms and gulping down iced sodas forever, we just need to find a way to beat the heat in terms of the type of fabric we clad ourselves in. Selecting the right clothing material plays a monumental role in elevating our comfort, however minimal, in this tropical climate.

We’ve rummaged through the world of fabrics and dug out 6 of the best kind of materials to wear in hot and humid weather. With these fabrics on, you’ll be strutting down the sunlit streets feeling as cool as a cucumber. Head over to our gallery!

Lim Han

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