Bad Cosmetics: 9 Toxic ingredients to avoid in beauty products


Bad additives can cause some serious health problems – find out which commonly used beauty ingredients can be toxic.

You’re at the store and you’re thinking of buying a new face moisturiser. You spend ages looking through the ingredients list. Mineral oil? Fragrance? SLS? Labels on cosmetics and beauty products can be a tough code to crack. While improvements are slowly being made to regulations with regards to the safety of products, it is still hard to trust the claims that manufacturers make when it comes to the advertising of their products.

Unfortunately, the whole industry has adopted an “innocent until proven guilty” approach to the ingredients used. No ban will ever be put in place until a chemical is scientifically proven to cause harm to humans. The best things that we, as consumers, can do is to avoid chemicals that we know are harmful (even if they continue to be widely used).

Limit the amount of toxins you expose your body – check out the gallery above for 9 harmful ingredients you should be avoiding in beauty products.

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

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