Crowning Glory: 10 Hair care products to say goodbye to thinning hair

Let your hair flow freely again – these 10 products have got your back (or your scalp)!

Art Naturals

Here’s the truth: we lose a lot of hair everyday — about fifty to a hundred strands daily. But, sometimes, the hair loss gets worrying and you are noticing a little less hair and a lot more air combing through your tresses. It could be stress, genetics, even environmental factors that continually assault your scalp… or just how your hair was made, and it’s frightening. After all, males losing hair is the norm — over 40% of the men in our lives will begin losing hair when they reach the tender age of thirty. But female hair loss appears to be something unsaid, a hushed secret amongst women who are furiously seeking obscure treatments to cover it up, only to relent and resort to a large hat to cover up a sparse scalp. 

But, let’s break the stigma right here, right now. Here are 10 products to add to your shower routine that will make that thinning hair a passing nightmare.

Lee Hui Bing

Photo: Getty Images

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