10 Chic & comfy sleepwear to keep you cool during the night

updated the 7 April 2017 à 21:13

When sweltering nights are bad enough to keep you awake, your choice of sleepwear could help.


In damp and humid Singapore, we often get nights that are hot and stuffy. Some of us prefer to sleep without the air-conditioning because it tends to dry out our delicate skin or cause us to wake up in the mornings with a case of the sniffles. So, if all you’ve got is the bedroom fan to keep you cool, it might not always keep you feeling comfortable throughout the night. So, what can you do to improve the situation on a particularly sweltering night? The answer is simple: make sure you wear appropriate sleepwear, of course!

Light cotton fabrics, sleeveless tops, loose-fitting nightdresses… these are what you should be looking to invest in. We’ve curated a list of our current favourites that look totally chic and soft – from featherlight slip dresses to satin two-pieces. Not only will you snooze in style, you’ll drift off feeling 100% comfortable. Head up to the gallery to check out our top picks!

Angela Goh

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine