Natural Beauty Hacks: 9 Ways to use avocado in your beauty routine

Want to slap your avocado on something other than your plate? We’ve got just the thing (three things, actually).

Facial moisturiser

Got some leftover avocados idling on your counter just waiting to be thrown away? Well, you’re missing out on some legitimate skincare goodness. These effective skin-loving emerald gems possess divine powers that will rescue you from almost any beauty woe. Sunburn or wrinkles? Your skin has got to try harder in order to frighten off these bad boys. Armed with a legion of vitamins and antioxidants, and silky healthy fats, avocados will invigorate your hair, skin and nails.

Who needs store-bought products anymore? The avocado will save you a ton of money (which you can then use to buy more avocados). Pop over to our gallery to kindle your ally-ship with this beautiful berry.

Lim Han

Photos: Getty Images

Read More:

Healthy eating: The benefits of avocado

Tacos & Tortillas: 6 Mexican restaurants in Kuala Lumpur you need to visit

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