May Birthstone: 10 Emerald jewellery pieces to fall in love with

updated the Thursday, May 5, 2016

Your friends will truly be seeing green when they spot you wearing these luxuriously bejewelled items.

If there ever were a precious gemstone that could make you picture lush tropical greenery and rolling hills covered in soft grass, it would be the emerald. The stark green hues produced by emerald stones can conjure up images of graceful tree snakes, shimmering songbirds and, of course, the flawless glamour of luxury jewellery.

Emeralds are said to have excellent stress relief properties and are said to enhance your memory and give you greater clarity and understanding. It is a classic stone of love and romance that symbolises passion, domestic bliss and unconditional love. Those born in the month of May should embrace this gorgeous stone and keep it close. There aren’t many gems that give off such a vibrant and emotive colour.

Check out the gallery above for 10 of the most stunning pieces of emerald jewellery that we have curated just for you.

Angela Goh

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