Year of the Dog: 5 Feng Shui tips to note for a lucky 2018

updated the 23 February 2018 à 10:41

Our Feng Shui Consultant and Ba Zi Master Nikki Bishop shares a few helpful Feng Shui tips for a lucky 2018!

Each year brings us a fresh new mix of energies to contend with, both in our personal lives and in our working or living spaces. Some of this is good and beneficial, so we want to embrace this energy and make the most of it. Other energies are not good, so we want to mitigate the influence in these areas.

There are certain directions where the energy will present particular challenges for 2018:

1 – The North is the direction where the 5-yellow star flies in for the year. This star mixes with the water energy of the North creating mud. Muddy energy does not have a good feel to it and it is also associated to sickness. We need to strengthen the directional energy here, which means introducing metal. So, place a metal object in the North direction, like a metal clock for instance.

2 – The 2-black star flies into the West for the year. This star mixes with the disruptive 7 star, which has the potential to create volatile situations. So, avoid using this room too much if you can. If your main door is in the West, it is good to paint it white and avoid having any sharp or irregular shapes around or near to your door.

3 – The North-West has some good energy for money. This makes the NW a good direction to sit to make phone calls and to use for business in order to generate your income.

4 – There is also money energy in the South-East, but it is slower this year, so takes more time to mature or for you to be able to bring it to fruition. The energy is still worth working with, so actively use this direction by sitting here to make phone calls or to work on a lap top.

5 – Lastly, if you are looking for love or want to celebrate with your friends or family, the best direction to support this energy is the centre, so go to the centre of town for your party or gatherings.

We might be a few days into the new Year of the Dog, but it’s certainly not too late to align your Feng Shui in the right direction. Bookmark this and take note of the tips for a lucky and prosperous 2018!

Nikki Bishop is a UK-based BaZi Master and Feng Shui Consultant offering BaZi Readings, Feng Shui Consultations, Auspicious Date Selection and I Ching Readings; as well as being a teacher across many Feng Shui disciplines.

For more information, please visit her website.

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