Sugar & Salt: 5 Body scrubs with natural exfoliants

updated the 3 May 2019 à 11:33

There are plenty of scrubs out there that use synthetic exfoliants and microbeads that can harm the environment – and your skin.


When new skin cells are formed, old dead cells are pushed to the outer layer of the skin. These dead cells usually flake off and don’t cause any problems, but sometimes, they remain on your body or face for too long, making your complexion look dull, blotchy and rough. Sometimes, dead skin cells can clog pores and cause acne and blemishes. Exfoliating the skin is therefore the best option for optimal skin cell regeneration.

We advise using natural exfoliants such as oatmeal and ground coffee beans instead of synthetic microbeads. Not only are they a more eco-friendly option, they also provide some amazing skincare benefits as well.

Types of natural exfoliants

Oatmeal – Perfect for sensitive skin, oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliant that won’t irritate or cause redness. It is a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient and is also highly moisturising.

Sea salt – Sea salt (yes, it has to come from the sea) is full of trace minerals that can provide nutrients to your skin as well as help it to retain moisture. It is a great scrub of choice if you have dry skin.

Sugar – As a natural source of glycolic acid, sugar can help to boost new cell production and break down proteins that keep dead cells clinging to your skin.

Powdered nut shells – From crushed walnut shells to almond shells, these organic exfoliants can be a little rough, depending on how coarse the powder is. They make good scrubs and can unclog stubborn pores and smoothen rough skin.

Coffee beans – Made from ground coffee beans, coffee scrubs smell absolutely amazing and uplifting. As a bonus, the caffeine content in the crushed particles can stimulate blood flow and target cellulite.

Head up to the gallery above to check out 5 different body scrubs that include these natural exfoliants in their formulation.

Angela Goh

Read more:

Eco-friendly Beauty: Why you should avoid beauty products with microbeads?

Kissable Pout: 10 Best lip scrubs to exfoliate and smoothen your lips

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