Hair Horror: 5 Common causes to thinning hair

As women, our tresses are our crown of glory and its loss and breakage can be a heartache. Find the causes here and stop thinning hair from killing your vibe.


As women, hair is our crowning glory, our pride and joy… and what a shame it would be to see it slowly fall away. While it’s normal to lose some hair on a daily basis, too much of it is never a good sign. So if you’re facing thinning hair though, here are some possible reasons that could be causing it:

#1 Hormones

If you are pregnant, entering menopause or dealing with overwhelming stress, thinning hair is normal. This is because there might be some hormonal imbalance during these conditions. But look out for Hypothyroidism, or a condition where the thyroid gland (which secretes crucial hormones responsible for metabolism, growth and development) is under-active.

#2 Deficiencies in diet

Check if you have enough protein, iron and vitamins in your diet. Lack of essential proteins, specifically keratin, will cause hair to be brittle and eventually fall. Similarly, anaemia or lack in iron intake causes underproduction of hemoglobin, which means there is less oxygen reaching the organs and hair follicles. Inevitably, thinning hair is what comes next. Besides protein and iron, vitamins C and B-complex are also important for the hair.

#3 Excess of Vitamin A

Overconsumption of vitamin A through supplements and other medications might trigger thinning hair. Thankfully, this type of hair loss is reversible. All you need to do is reduce the intake and hair will start growing normally.

#4 Genes

Does your family have a history of hair loss? Like many medical conditions, premature thinning hair may be hereditary. There are over-the-counter medication for this type of hair loss, or better yet, see a professional.

#5 Overstyling

Do you change your hair colour too often, live by a lineup of chemical products, and blow dry (curl or straighten) your locks with intense heat? You might want to think twice about your hair treatments and styling routine and the possible irreversible long-term repercussions involved.

Sometimes thinning hair can be caused by simple things like tying your hair with a rubber band too tightly for too long, or as complicated as a serious health condition. Whatever the cause is, calling premature baldness a mortifying experience is not an exaggeration so remember to take due care of your locks, ladies!

Natasha Gan

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