Follow Your Nose: Beauty products with ingredients you’ll be tempted to eat

updated the 3 May 2019 à 04:23

So good, you can almost eat it on its own.


With over 10 million olfactory cells in human noses, it’s an understatement that our sense of smell plays a big part in our lives. Did you know that smell can even affect the brain significantly? Smells can arouse emotions, and can be used in many situations, from improving concentration to helping with the recovery of lost memories. Scientific research has also shown that scents sprayed in the bedroom before going to sleep can affect the kind of dreams we have!

At times, smell can simply be good enough reason for us to make an impulse purchase. That could explain why some of our favourite beauty brands infuse scents from specific ingredients into their products. Besides looking out for quality, it is also fun to discover scents, whether new or familiar, while out shopping for something to add to our beauty stash.

From seasonals to signature scents, here’s a list of high-performing beauty products using ingredients with standout smells that you can incorporate into your beauty regime. Just remember that they’re not actually for eating!

Rachel Zheng

Photo: Getty Images

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