belif: Discover the benefits of The True Tincture of Chamomile range

updated the 3 May 2019 à 23:46

Give your skin a much needed boost with this invigorating range by Korean beauty brand, belif. Chamomile has never felt this good.


When it comes to skincare and our busy lifestyles, there’s hardly time to ensure that our routine is comprehensive enough to attain the utmost benefits. Which is why, what we would likely prefer is a concentrated solution that packs a mean punch in the efficacy department. And that is where Korean beauty brand, belif’s latest range, The True Tincture of Chamomile comes right along into the picture.

The True Tincture of Chamomile

If you were wondering what ‘tincture’ referred to, it’s essentially a traditional herbal extraction method used to obtain the efficacies of herbs in their most original form, hence ensuring quality and freshness. In this case, the herb in question is chamomile – revered for its soothing properties and a whole host of health benefits such as boosting the immune system, relieving insomnia and fighting against colds.

So with chamomile as the star ingredient in the range and formulated with its most potent form, you can ultimately expect the products to be skincare elixirs in their own right. The True Tincture of Chamomile features a 93% blend of pure organic Chamomile Tincture and is meant for use after the toner to instantly brighten, soothe, replenish and enhance the delivery of nutrition by promoting blood circulation.

Pair the skin supplement with The True Tincture Mask and you’ll be on your way to soaking up the full benefits of chamomile. Infused with Chamomile petals and 10% pure organic Chamomile Tincture, apply the rinse-off mask after cleansing and within seconds you’ll be basking in the refreshing and calming sensation.

So the next time your skin feels in need of a dire wake-me-up, perhaps this invigorating duo will come in handy!

The True Tincture of Chamomile (SGD60) and The True Tincture Mask (SGD40) are available at all belif stores in Singapore.

Tarandip Kaur

Photos: belif

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