Promising Future: 10 Young actresses who’ve made an impactful mark in Hollywood

updated the 3 May 2019 à 12:23

Age is after all just a number.

Hailee Steinfeld

Have you realised that your youth is one of your biggest strength? Being young allows us to have the energy to pursue what we want, no matter how much of a toll it takes on us.

If you ask us, we’re always pretty envious of young ones who have made it at such an early stage in their lives. We figured age is just a number, and our advice is to not despise your youth, and instead live fully to the best of your ability, in whichever area. As Mark Twain wisely said, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

This International Women’s Day, we would like to celebrate some of the young actresses who’re our deepest sources of inspirations. These talented actresses whom we’ve glued our eyes on the screens for in recent years have taught themselves to not wallow in doubt over what they can do, but to place their best foot forward—despite their age.

For instance, did you know that Emma Watson  wanted to become an actress since she was six? Faith, coupled with brave actions create magic. Emma then trained at the Oxford branch of Stagecoach Theatre Arts and studied singing, dancing and acting. The Pitch Perfect 2 newbie star Hailee Steinfeld began acting at 8 and did short roles in films before experiencing a breakthrough at 13, where she was chosen to be the role of Mattie Ross in True Grit out of 15,000 who auditioned. How’s that for sheer determination?

So from the stunning Dakota Johnson to the charming and sexy Emma Stone, we take our hats off to their diligence and discipline in doing what they do. Start young and live boldly ladies!

 Sharon Salim

Photos: Getty Images

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