Heroines: Why do we prefer the villains?

In Maleficent, released now in cinemas, it is the witch from Sleeping Beauty who flies into the spotlight! Let’s take a look at some of those other villains you love to hate…and hate to love.

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She has terrified generations of mini-movie-goers (and shamed all grandmothers who spun wool). Nevertheless, who would not want to meet Maleficent, the witch in Sleeping Beauty, in the film going by her name?

The Disney production – with Angelina Jolie as the super-villain – is released now in cinemas and we’re all waiting to see it! Good news for us – I mean, admit it – we have always preferred the grim jealousy of Anastasia and Drizella to the cutesy goodness of Cinderella, haven’t we?

Just like a nasty James Bond Girl prints better on the retina than the pin-up good girls. Because she goes against the stereotypes of femininity, the villains stamped with XX chromosomes give rise to the evil characters that define our imagination.

Visit our gallery of the best villains in the business and don your dark side for a change.


The wicked stepmother’s raging ambitions
The femme fatale brings men to their knees
The madwoman draws us in with fear
The manipulative one boosts our ego
The excessively dramatic one who awakens our savage side
Glenn Close, the invincible villain
The 5 most evil heroines we love to hate!

Josephine LEBARD

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