Singapore Events: Our pick of exciting things to look forward to this week starting September 18

updated the 4 May 2019 à 07:24

For those looking to escape the madness of the F1, here are some events you can look forward to.

Jerls & Ming: Untameable

F1 week is finally here and along with the explosive sounds of the race course and nightlife, there are some of us who might not be feeling it quite as much and want a week like any other, free from the deafening sounds and glitz. Not to worry, there are plenty of things going on, F1 week or not – life goes on! Sure, we’ve listed some good parties here and there but it’s nothing you can’t handle.

So in the midst of this fast-paced weekend, rest assured that you can sit back, relax and take it easy.

Diya-Maya Tsering Bhalla

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