Fashion Fantasy: Alexander Wang’s SS2017 ad campaign

updated the 3 May 2019 à 07:00

Alexander Wang presents his commentary on societal obsessions with his newest ad campaign.

Alexander Wang Spring 2017 Campaign

Alexander Wang once again encapsulates his opinions and ideas in his latest ad campaign, where the campaign’s narrative is a metaphorical commentary on reoccurring themes society of today is transfixed upon. Obscuring the demarcation between reality and fantasy, Wang draws an emphasis on the public’s fixation on superficial speculation: what really happened, what was fabricated?

The campaign is set at an actual penthouse party in downtown Manhattan, where celebrities can be seen arriving at the party in ostentatious glamour, dancing with wild abandon, and partaking in the Walk of Shame, where the time stamps at the side of the photos spell out the entire narrative chronologically. By capturing photos of the #WangSquad indulging in gaudy late night debauchery, Wang uses a fictional narrative rooted in real events to switch between moments of reality and fantasy, highlighting the outstanding cultural obsessions of today. Ingeniously captured by talented Dutch fashion photographer duo, Inez and Vinoodh, Alexander Wang has once again given us food for thought through his unmistakable sense of style and insightful worldview.

Winnie Tan

Photos: Alexander Wang


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