Dad Delights: Father’s Day gift guide for the dad who has everything

updated the 3 May 2019 à 05:25

Daughters in dilemma, the struggle is over.

Schaffen Watch

No matter how many cringey ‘dad jokes’ they may make, our fathers will always be the number one man in our lives. Fetching us home from work, carrying our shopping bags, and fixing our miscellaneous items – who else is going to do that for us? (Okay, maybe our significant other, if we have one, but let’s not ruin the sentimental mood here.) And, without a doubt, he’s the only guy we can pick our nose comfortably in front of.

With Father’s Day coming up, it’s the perfect opportunity to grace your fathers with a proper “thank you”. Now, we don’t want to exaggerate, but getting your father a present is probably the hardest task in the world. These men are barely in want, and even if they are, the items they dream about are usually insanely bank-breaking. So, just what do you get him?

Great news, girlfriends! We’ve got just the gifts that every father is bound to adore. We’ve picked out gifts for fathers of an older age group, from 45 to 60 years old. So, if your dad fits that age range, perfect! Head up to our gallery above and start picking out a present that will make your dad overjoyed to have a daughter just like you!

Lim Han

Read More:

Father’s Day: 10 Quotes to celebrate dad

Father’s Day Meal: 5 Delicious recipes to whip up for dad

Father’s Day: 10 Celebrity dads we love

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine