9 Pet-friendly restaurants in KL to dine at with your furry pal

updated the 3 May 2019 à 05:36

You can now take your furry pals with you on your next gastronomic indulgence!

Kalamazoo Restaurant & Cafe

Pet owners, don’t you just hate it when you’re dining out and you have to leave your furry darling behind? Having to gaze at their longing, begging eyes screaming “Take me with you!” as you slowly shut the door is truly an agony.

Well, good news – the heart-wrenching separation is over! KL houses an abundance of restaurants that are more than willing to let you and your pets into their establishment. However, for some of the stricter restaurants, only the al fresco dining area is open to you and your pet. But, rest assured that the more lenient ones allow both of you to relish in the air-conditioned indoor area. Either way, at least you won’t be abandoning your beloved angel at home.

Whether your tastebuds are wailing for Italian dishes or Chinese specialities, we’ve got you covered with the range of restaurants we’ve picked out. So, get the leashes out and embark on your food adventure with your furry companion today!

Lim Han

Read More:

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