Pumpkin Chicken Curry

Feeling creative in the kitchen? Why not try our CHEF IN HEELS recipe which uses pumpkin to enhance the flavour of your curry.

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Serves 2 | Takes 35 minutes


1 Red pepper
8 Button mushrooms
1 Bunch of enoki mushroom
10 Ladyfingers
200g of Pumpkin, diced
400g of boneless chicken breast
2 Tbsp olive oil
120g Yellow curry paste
200ml Coconut milk
150ml Water
Parsley (garnish)


  1. Slice all the vegetables and chicken breast.
  2. Pour the olive oil into a heated pot.
  3. Stir fry the chicken breast and pumpkin for 5 minutes until almost cooked.
  4. Add the yellow curry paste, followed by all the ingredients, stir for 3 minutes.
  5. Add water and coconut milk and stir for another 15 – 20 minutes
  6. Mix well. When the pumpkin gets soft, it is ready to be served!

Simbian Chua

Photo: Simbian Chua/Marie France Asia

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine