Bright and Right: Get radiant skin with these whitening products

updated the 4 May 2019 à 03:04

The concept of whitening has evolved from the days of dangerous skin bleaching to the current anti-pigmentation products of today. Here are a few to try.


In Asia, the number one focus in skincare products lies in boosting fairness and attaining a spot-free complexion. Thankfully though, the concept of whitening has evolved from the days of dangerous skin bleaching to look more upper crust.

The modern day ‘whitening‘ products aim to brighten skin for a more luminescent glow and also help prevent skin issues such as pigmentation, sunspots and freckles from forming. It also inhibits skin conditions like hyper-pigmentation and melasma from getting worse, in some cases at least.

In Singapore where we go underground like moles to avoid the scorching heat and sunlight above ground, we always slather our exposed skin with at least SPF15 sunblock and walk under shady areas where possible.

When you live in a part of the world where all you get is sun (and a spot of rain here and there), precautionary measures are needed to keep your skin glowing, bright and bouncy.

Time to put your best face forward!

Cheryl Lee

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine