Happy Skin: The Body Shop’s latest Vitamin C range

updated the 4 May 2019 à 01:14

Say goodbye to dull, fatigued looking skin with two new products of The Body Shop’s Vitamin C range which promise to boost skin’s radiance in no time.

The Body Shop

Vitamin C was probably the first vitamin you came into contact with as a child, when your mom made you drink orange juice for breakfast. With good reason too. Vitamin C, far from just being good for your immune system has a lot of benefits for your skin as well. It hydrates and enhances your skin’s natural radiance as well as improves skin elasticity and increases the production of collagen, which is what keeps your skin from sagging and looking old. Rich in anti oxidants, the vitamin also acts as a protector against the many evils of environmental pollution and free radicals. Phew! We’re not even through with the whole list of benefits yet!

With such an exhaustive list of virtues, it’s no wonder then that almost every cosmetic company under the sun has incorporated the wonder vitamin into their beauty products. The Body Shop  is no different and the good news is that they are adding two new products to their Vitamin C range which are specially designed to give your skin that radiant glow: The Glow Boosting Moisturiser and an Instant Glow Enhancer.

The vitamin C in both of these products has been sourced from one of the most potent natural sources: the mighty Camu Camu berry, from deep within the Amazonian rainforest. Each berry packs a punch of up to 60 times the vitamin C found in an orange. How’s that for a new breakfast drink?

While the lightweight moisturiser fights off signs of fatigue and infuses skin with juicy moisture, the glow enhancer gives a rosy tint to your complexion, a confidence boost for women experiencing dull skin and the first signs of ageing.

Happy, healthy skin has never been more attainable. Now go forth and glow from within!

The Body Shop’s Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturiser (S$40.90) and Vitamin C Instant Glow Enhancer (S$36.90) will be available online and at all Body Shop outlets from 11 May onwards.

Karen George

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