Healthy Hair: Combat hair loss with tips and treatments from Svenson

updated the 3 May 2019 à 18:12

If your hair is thinning and you can’t quite figure out why, perhaps one of the leading experts in haircare solutions will offer you just the right advice.


One of our worst nightmares is the disturbing thought of losing our beautiful crown of hair – especially at a premature age. So when leading haircare experts from Svenson came to town, we sprang up on our seats and listened hard with our ears. Quickly, through a comprehensive talk from UK Svenson‘s Consulting Trichologist, Mark Birch, we learned that no matter what products you use or diet you follow, the first step to a healthy head of hair lies in attaining a healthy scalp.

Hence, noting that everyone has a different scalp type it’s important to determine what kind of scalp you have through a visit to the trichologist and then only utilise haircare products suited to your scalp.

Thereafter, to tackle hair loss, Svenson also offers up three treatment solutions – namely Folligro, Micro-Transdermal Therapy (MTT) and PLGA Total Solution. Using Radio Frequency (RF) to promote tissue regeneration, Folligro delivers a potent mix of vital oxygen and nutrients deep into the roots through 22 uniquely designed gold conductive pins. Absolutely pain-free, the Folligro treatment takes about 45 minutes.

As for the MTT, a handheld micro-needle roller device that’s outfitted with 540 micro-needles is rolled over the skin, pressing against the scalp tissue to trigger production of human growth hormones, collagen and other essential chemicals. Effective for both male and female hair loss problems, the treatment positively stimulates new growth of hair and inhibits loss.

Lastly, the PLGA is an at home treatment that combines the properties of Loquat leaf and nanotechnology to result in noticeably thicker and fuller hair. Essentially, the key active compound in Loquat leaf, Corosolic acid encourages better blood circulation and manages testosterone level – usually the primary cause of hair loss.

Along with the treatments, it’s necessary to be aware of what haircare practices are the truth and what are mere myths. Here are 4 common ones explained.

#1 You should not shampoo your hair everyday as it’ll strip it of necessary oils

False. Treat your scalp as you treat your body and face and wash your hair at least once a day – at night. Don’t forget to dry your hair before heading to bed. It’s also vital to note that frequent washing does not tend to damage your hair or scalp either but using the wrong products will.

#2 Shampoo your hair with warm water but rinse with cold water

Not entirely necessary but it’s recommended to wash your hair with lukewarm water so as to open up the pores. Also remember to leave the shampoo on for a couple of minutes before rinsing.

#3 Should you visit the trichologist regularly?

Absolutely. It’s important to schedule a visit with a trichologist, perhaps, every 6 months to ensure that your scalp clean and free of any potentially damaging condition.

#4 You should change your shampoo regularly because your scalp ‘gets used to it’

Not true. Seeing that the shampoo only stays on your scalp for a small amount of time, your scalp does not ‘get used to’ the shampoo’s effects per se. However, it’ll be a good idea to alternate between two shampoos for different hair concerns – for instance one for dandruff and the other for shine.

Tarandip Kaur

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