Nip & Tuck : Plastic surgery trends you never knew existed

updated the 4 May 2019 à 02:38

How far would you go to look beautiful? Here, we discover some of the most bizarre procedures being done in the name of vanity.

Perma-Smile surgery

If you thought getting a face lift, a nose job or lip implants were drastic surgeries, well, they’re nothing compared to some of the new plastic surgery procedures being offered around the world.

Being wrinkle free and having the perfect nose is not enough anymore, now we’ve got to have a thigh gap, dainty feet and the perfect round forehead. Oh, and there’s now a surgery that enables us to smile all the time without actually smiling!

We know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what people do with their bodies in a plastic surgeon’s office is their business, but it’s still  incredible to see how our obsession with perfection can drive us to alter trivial features of our body.

Here, we’ve picked the 8 most bizarre yet popular plastic surgery trends only Frankenstein’s creator could have thought of!

Karen George

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