The 10 best facial oils for clearer complexion

updated the 3 May 2019 à 16:24

The French have credited facial oils as a secret for their clear complexions and we had to jump on the bandwagon with these 10 highly raved about facial oils.

Josie Maran

Oils are not new to the beauty industry. They have been used as an active ingredient in many beauty products such as moisturizers and serums. Popular oils such as argan and coconut are beneficial for the treatment of acne and dull skin.

Facial oils are not a relatively new concept hitting the market. The common misconception about this wonder product is that it may be too heavy for daily use or might make you appear oily. Contrary to popular belief, facial oils when used regularly help to control the amount of natural oil your sebaceous glands produce.

However, with so many facial oils out there, here’s a breakdown on the oils suitable for the common skin types.


For drier skin types, mix a drop of facial oil into your daily moisturizer of choice. This will help to create a layer for the moisturizer to adhere to and increase its ability to penetrate through your skin layers.


For oilier skin types, skip using a moisturizer and simple use a drop of facial oil. The oil has rich ingredients which will help to provide sufficient hydration as well as prevent the accumulation of oil on the skin.


The key to using facial oils is to pat it well and not rub. Dispense one to two drops and rub the product inbetween your palms. This warms up the product for easier application. Pat the oil on a cleansed face. This step should be done after your moisturizer or serum. To test if the oil has fully absorbed into your skin, simply use your index and ring finger to check if the area is dry. If your fingers feel damp, chances are the oil is still absorbing well into your skin.

Perin  Sidhu


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Marie France Asia, women's magazine