How to prevent muscle aches after working out?

updated the 3 May 2019 à 16:13

It’s time to move. We discover good steps to prevent sore muscles, promote recovery and keep up with good exercise resolutions!

Before and during training

Feeling that one has made ​​through a workout must feel good. “When one focuses on working their muscles, the fibers are broken and the body has to rebuild, becoming stronger, to gain endurance, tone up or build a better body depending on the activity,” says coach Lucile Woodward.


If we want to progress, aches are inevitable, whether you are a sports athlete only every other Sunday or one who is seasoned. The key is to manage the discomfort. If it returns just continue exercising, and it will leave for a few days before starting again so that the body can recover. If you’re already doing it at least twice a week, nothing should prevent you from training while still having the body aches. However, pain that lasts beyond a week may be a sign of a contraction or a small tear. Watch out for such discomfort. By waiting to see our body gain muscles and become slimmer, one must take some precautions, listed in the above slide, so as not to suffer too much.


Got a long hike ahead? Prep well and slip some roll-on essential oils such as cajeput, wintergreen, eucalyptus, pine and peppermint into your bag to relieve tension.


Cycling gloves that are light but are enough to become your hands’ windbreaker for caution will aid your palms from growing blisters and aching in the long run. Get a pair to motivate yourself to return to your bike for some pedaling.

Isabelle Soing and Nur Syazana H.

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