Caffeine vs Theine: What’s the difference?

The difference in caffeine and theine lies in its concentration not chemical makeup. We break it down for you.

f it does not meet our lack of sleep, coffee hydrate our bodies as well as with water *, the key, better vigilance. The stimulating effect of small black is precious but each has a different sensitivity to caffeine. When the "right" dose is exceeded, it may suffer from a lack of attention and fatigue. 1, 2, 3 or 4 cups? See for yourself but never exceed 7 cups under pain of feeling suddenly exhausted. Note: the invigorating action of caffeine begins only after fifteen to thirty minutes. We therefore expect before leaving.* "Is the coffee drying or hydrate there as much as water? "Study by the University of Birmingham, published in the journal Plos One in January 2014.

“Oh I can’t drink coffee or tea after 3pm as that will keep me up all night!”

We’ve heard a friend or two exclaim that a few times. But what is it about coffee and tea that gives us that extra boost of energy?

It is common knowledge that caffeine is the component in coffee that gives you that afternoon perk-me-up to continue the day. Contrary to popular belief, tea does not contain caffeine but theine.

The perennial question “Is coffee stronger than tea?” is still being asked until today. The short answer is “Yes, sort of.” We’ll break it down for you.

Simply put, coffee excites and tea stimulates. Theine can last much longer in the system – about 6 to 8 hours, while caffeine gives a burst of energy for 2 to 3 hours.


Caffeine and theine are chemically identical, the only thing that sets them apart is the concentration.

Caffeine content in coffee can accelerate the heart and raise your blood pressure, the coffee high is subsequently followed by a low. Essentially this is your adult equivalent to a sugar rush and crash.

Theine in tea is a result of oxidised polyphenols which gives it a stimulant effect. You ingest lesser theine in a cup of tea than caffeine in coffee and that releases much slower in the body giving a sense of relaxation while providing prolonged alertness.

So it really depends if you’re looking for a quick fix or a slow burn.


Caffeine (and theine) has been scientifically proven to help increase mental concentration, acumen and suppress the appetite. However, different people react to caffeine and theine in different manners resulting in varied results in individuals.

But just like people not all types of coffees and teas contain the same amount of stimulant. For example, Robusta blends can contain more caffeine than Arabica and black tea contains more theine than green tea.

The key is to find the right balance for you. If you really are that sensitive to stimulants, try decaffeinated coffee or herbal infusions instead.

Cheryl Lee

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