Get Fit: Our top 10 fitness apps to download in 2015

updated the 4 May 2019 à 04:33

From being your very own yoga instructor to paying you for eating your greens, we picked the 10 most creative fitness apps to help you get that beach-ready body you desire.


Tired of rewriting ‘get fit’ or ‘lose weight’ year after year in your list of resolutions? Well, this could finally be the year where you cross that off your list for good. It’s no secret that a lot of us are unsatisfied with our bodies and staying healthy isn’t exactly a walk in the park either.

But here’s the good news – the app geniuses of the world have come up with virtual tools, a tap away on your smartphones, to help you get in shape and stay in shape. If the ticking clock is your main concern, then adopt apps with workouts that you can complete in just 10 minutes, from the comfort of your own home. If you’ve been slaving away at your fitness game for a long time and have yet to see significant results, then apps that could pass off as your personal trainer would be your saviour – that too without the hefty price tag. And if like us, you enjoy all sorts of (fatty) glorious delicacies the world has to offer, an app that’ll help you regulate your calorie intake would be just the perfect companion.

So, we’ve rounded up our pick of 10 apps that will sit you right up and help you embark on a (successful) fitness journey. Most of the apps are free unless stated otherwise.

Be sure to let us know which one(s) works for you!

Natasha Gan

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