How to reduce lower back pain with natural remedies?

Back pain can be treated only under certain conditions. Discover how to relieve your vertebrae with essential oils and pain-relieving exercises.


If this is the first time or that the pain is unusual, do consult a doctor. However, in the case of chronic lower back pain that is unfortunately all too familiar, we can try to heal it on our own. This is the same principle as for torticollis: overstretched vertebrae, where you would suffer from the contraction of muscles in the lower back.


With its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, the essential oil of wintergreen is a valuable weapon (if not magical) to relieve pain. Diluted 3 drops in 15 drops of vegetable oil (Calophylle or arnica) and gently massage the blocked area 3 to 4 times daily.


Experts insist that we should not stay in bed without moving more than two or three days. As soon as we can make some steps, we should move around. To prevent the pain, sport is one of the best remedies. Walking, swimming or yoga, choose the one that makes you feel good!


Stretch out on the floor preferably on a yoga mat, and bring your knees to chest and slowly massaged the back.


To fight against backache and gradually get rid of the small daily pains, take note of your posture. In addition to the advice given to avoid a stiff neck, do not forget the good old “Stand up straight!” Respect the natural shape of the spine that looks like an S, not an I.

It is also believed that you should rise regularly to stretch your legs. “The more you sit, the more pain is common,” insists François Stevignon*, physiotherapist and author of Ending Backache. Finally, be wary of postures that round the back – it may relieve muscles but the joints will be strained. “If these stretches are good in muscle and therefore pain, they do not help the situation of our vertebrae. It is the opposite,” says the physiotherapist

*Author of “Backache: relieving and preventing pain”.

Maureen Diament

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