7 Effective aromatherapeutic products to help you sleep better

updated the 3 May 2019 à 07:14

Press the snooze button no more – we have the solution to your slumber issues.

The Body Shop

The stress from a long, tedious day of work can accumulate towards the end of the day, even spilling over to bedtime. This leaves you tossing and turning restlessly in bed, unable to fall asleep due to wretched insomnia. This simply isn’t going to work. With less than eight hours of sleep to recuperate, how are you going to look fresh for that meeting tomorrow morning? How are you going to focus on that stack of paperwork and face potential clients with dark under-eye patches even concealer can’t hide?

Don’t fret, try aromatherapy for effective results that will have you falling asleep the moment your head hits your pillow. Aromatherapy uses an eclectic combination of aromatic plant oils and essential oils to improve your physical or psychological well-being. Light scents such as lavender and bergamot can enable one to feel more relaxed, creating a soothing environment for you to have the best sleep for the rest of the night. Let these scents calm your senses down, and wave insomnia goodbye as you head into a peaceful, invigorating sleep.

Head up to the gallery to discover some of these handy aromatherapy products, and you’ll thank us for getting the best sleep ever.

Winnie Tan 


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