Apples: Is it better to eat them with or without the skin?

We are often advised to eat the apple with its skin which is rich vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, the skin is more likely to contain pesticides. So what do we do?


Each year, the Environmental Working Group publishes a ranking of fruits and vegetables which are most likely to contain pesticides. This year, Apples topped that list (followed closely by pears). A Golden Delicious can contain up to 32 different chemicals. Yum! While some are found in the fruit at the time of growth, others are sprayed directly on the skin to protect it from insects, transport and ensure that the apple arrives on the shelves looking as good as gold.

With the Skin but organic

To avoid swallowing a big quantity of pesticides, peeling the apple is ideal . The problem? “A peeled apple contains less pesticides but also fewer nutrients”, says Valerie Orsoni, coach and founder of the slimming coaching site Bootcamp. “Ideally organic apples, untouched by chemicals are preferred. Alternatively, opt for an orange that also contains vitamin C and pectin fiber but is also less toxic as it has very thick skin which we are forced to get rid of.”


Read more:

Which fruits and vegetables are most likely to contain pesticides?

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine