Superfoods to protect your heart!

Today we focus on PHYTOSTEROLS which have the power to lower your cholesterol, and naturally protect your heart!


Heart disease has rapidly become the leading cause of death in the world, and as a result, protecting one’s heart became vital! The good news is that it is possible to prevent a cardiac event with a healthy lifestyle (no smoking, less stress, more physical activity) and a proper diet, that is rich in phytosterols.

What are phytosterols?

Phytosterols are vegetable fats, whose structure resembles that of cholesterol … If we consume them enough, they help in blocking the absorption of the latter and, therefore, reduce the levels of ‘bad cholesterol’ ( LDL) in the blood – the one which cardiologists scan for in the laboratory tests.
International experts recommend eating 2 grams per day to reduce up to 10% of your cholesterol. Where to find them: in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and various vegetable oils.

The expert’s advice on daily phytosterols consumption:

– Every day eat a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables at least five times a day: a fruit in the morning, noon and evening, accompany each meal with a vegetable and you will quickly reach your quota …

– Cook and season with different vegetable oils: olive oil, argan oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, sesame oil, walnut oil: These oils are rich in Vitamin E and Omega 6 so they are beneficial to your heart. In addition they will give more taste and flavour to your dishes. Good to know: Corn oil is four times richer in phytosterols than olive oil. 4 tablespoons for seasoning or cooking enough to achieve the 2 grams of phytosterols (this oil is sold in specialty stores).

– Snack on nuts and almonds – do not hesitate to enrich your salads and dishes with those varieties. For snacking, always have at hand a handful of sweet almonds, unsalted!

– Choose recipes which are rich in whole grains, made from barley, brown rice or wild rice.

– Get some oatmeal for breakfast.

Maia Baudelaire is a Paris-based Nutritionist, food expert and founder of I Love My Diet Coach.

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