Decluttering: How tidying up can improve your life

You can improve your life just by throwing things out and here are 7 reasons why.


Einstein was right when he said a cluttered desk indicated a cluttered mind. However, he was wrong about it being a good thing. Excessive clutter is not only unsightly; it often hinders productivity and can weigh you down mentally.

The fundamental notion of cleaning and decluttering has recently garnered a lot of attention thanks to the New York Times bestseller, The Life-changing Magic of Tidying. The book, written by Japanese celebrity cleaning consultant (yes, that’s a thing) Marie Kondo, espouses the benefits cleaning your home can have on your personal life.

Kondo’s housekeeping manual dishes out simple yet effective methods like cleaning by category and keeping only objects that “spark joy”. Some of her suggestions, like thanking items before you discard them, may seem silly and trivial, but the “KonMari” method has proven its effectiveness.

Readers have claimed they’ve improved their marriages and perused their dreams, all by following Kondo’s advice and clearing up the mess and clutter in their homes.

If you still need convincing that throwing things out can change your life for the better, here are seven ways decluttering can change your life for the better.

Live in a clean and organised environment

Think about all the stuff sitting in your home literally gathering dust. Having less things means easier organisation and easier cleaning. Being organised means ensures productivity, while a clean environment leads to healthy living.

Move on from the past

There’s nothing wrong with being sentimental, but what good use do items from past relationships and your childhood have? Holding onto such items not only hold us back but also weighs us down. When you rid yourself of such paraphernalia, like a snake you will shed away the past and step into a new chapter of your life.

Gain good karma

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. If you have unwanted old clothes or books, donate them rather than dump them. You’ll feel less wasteful and your items will find new owners who will appreciate them more than you do. 

Make more money

Selling pre-loved items is getting more popular with platforms like eBay or Carousell. Somehow, getting rid of stuff seems easier when you know there’s extra cash to be made.

Find out what you already have

Have you ever bought a blusher then realise when you get home that you have four others in the exact same shade? Decluttering helps you realise and visualise what you already own, making sure you avoid buying duplicates in the future.

Make more room

When we need more space, we often thing we need a bigger house or a bigger closet. You don’t need more space, it’s just hidden under piles of stuff. Try dumping what you don’t need to free up more space for a wine cooler or a dedicated play area for the kids.

Make your home a sanctuary

It is difficult to feel calm and at peace in a disordered environment that’s piled to the ceiling with clutter. That’s why hotel rooms always feel so peaceful, because there’s nothing in them. By decluttering you’ll have more space to relax and for once your mind can unwind without the nagging voice that tells you to clean.

Amanda Lim

Photo: Getty Images

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