Eco Conscious: Why is it so hard to be green?

It isn’t nice to know that our lifestyles contribute to global warming – it’s time to change our habits.

It’s not always easy to change our ways and be more green. Those of you who grew up in the 1980s came from a generation that popularised beanbags filled with polystyrene beads, synthetic carpets and acrylic sweaters. Even today, as threats of global warming and rising pollution levels force us to become more eco-friendly, we struggle to find ways to live green and keep that a habit.


Ironically, it seems like we are more inclined to pick up green habits when it comes to ourselves and our bodies – we find organic foods desirable to add to our diets and we feed ourselves detoxing tonics. However, we need to concentrate our efforts not just on ourselves but also on our environment.


We must look to inspirational figures. Bea Johnson, a French expatriate living in the United States, abandoned the “American way of life”, symbolised by weekly trash production of 240 litres. She managed to reduce her waste and achieve up to 40% savings, a family adventure that was recounted in her book Zero Waste Home.


  1. Deny what is not needed – disposable plastic straws, advertisement flyers, unnecessary packaging, etc.
  2. Reduce your carbon footprint – favour carpooling and public transport, buy sustainable clothing, reduce paper wastage.
  3. Reuse what you consume – food containers, rechargeable batteries, glass bottles.
  4. Make use of recycling bins and engage in recycling projects. Buy second hand goods.
  5. Compost the rest!

Isabelle Soing

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine