Why do I lack creativity?

Does stress, fatigue and the constant need for perfectionism hinder your ability to be creative? We find out more here.


The desire to develop creativity is a fairly common quest, “but the first step is often given to the next,” says Sylve Batlle, art therapist who conducts workshops to encourage creativityBusiness, leisure, relationships… Far from being reserved for artists, creativity avoids the professional routine and can bounce back, stimulates intuition and “colours” the everyday. “A first rate soup contains more creativity, and more generally, cooking, parenting or decorating can appeal to creativity,” stated the psychologist Abraham Maslow. Indeed, if we cannot all become Picasso and Steve Jobs, it is possible to change mental habits and perception. “Who says change, progress or new direction said creativity,” says Edward de Bono, doctor and father of lateral thinking. It is outside of a gift but a state of mind: the ability to reinvent itself.

Why is it “blocked”?

Our worst enemy is ourselves! Perfectionism, lack of self confidence, negative beliefs rooted through education or schooling and fear of change prohibits creativity. To neutralize this inner tyrant and stop self-censorship, one can start a creative newspaper on the principle of a diary by adding drawings, collages, newspaper clippings and photos. This visual aspect “bypasses” the mind and blockages that we cannot express in words. If you play the game: neither artist book or scrapbook, the newspaper aims to reconnect to itself, its emotions and intuition, through the mirror of the page, and take some distance facing our concern and our projects. Sylvie Batlle’s advice: “Do not try to make beautiful or logic, real! “

To stimulate your mind

Stimulate creativity by playing on words. It is the mental gymnastics that Edward de Bono offers. The rule: define the area in which we want to have new ideas and draw in random lists of common words… without cheating! The word as it takes, without rearranging the letters, or use it as an acronym or draw another that we “talk” about more. Objective: To perceive and conceive reality differently, playing with concepts, imagining links and associations, beyond the obvious.

Isabelle Soing

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