Adventure Time: 10 Exciting things to do with your kids in Sabah

updated the 3 May 2019 à 06:54

We guarantee a trip of fun-filled excitement!

Tanjung Aru Beach

Impossibly rich in marine biodiversity and filled with lush, emerald rainforests, Sabah is every wanderlust-induced adventurer’s dream. From scaling the grandeur that is Mount Kinabalu to watching baby orangutans maneuver their way to their mom, Sabah is a dream that will captivate every heart.

You’ve got the sweetest darlings, but when it comes to travelling with your children, your options can suddenly seem tragically limited. Kids at a younger age can get tired easily, or they’re not mature enough to understand or appreciate the beauty of nature. But don’t fret just yet – we’ve carefully curated a list of the best things to do with your kids in Sabah, and we promise that it’ll be super fun for the entire family.

Winnie Tan


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Marie France Asia, women's magazine