E-etiquette: 10 Email mistakes that make you unpopular at work

The emails you send to others are a reflection of who you are, so be extra careful.

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There is no denying how incredibly useful emails can be. But with great power comes great responsibilities. When communicating with your coworkers and clients, there is often a fine line between friendliness to unprofessionalism, raising a few eyebrows and causing a few exasperated sighs. We understand, though. The art of crafting the perfect email can be hard, especially if you’re not particularly used to it. But, there truly is no better time than now to hone your e-etiquette skills, and we have some pointers you should take note of.

The basics of emailing right and emailing well is: if it should be done in-person, then do it in-person. There’s no point in trying to write up an extensive email, only for the reader to skim through it, and have to spend hours making up the best reply possible. While emails are convenient, it might be even more efficient to communicate face-to-face. And, remember that this is a representation of you as a professional, so keep it neat and keep it clean. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll back up to check out our 10 email mistakes you should most definitely avoid doing in your emailing adventures.

Lee Hui Bing

Photo: Getty Images

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