Household Gym: 5 Items found at home that are perfect for a workout

Finding it hard to make time for the gym? Here are some surprisingly effective and handy household items you can use to get toned and sculpted!

Laundry Detergent

Oh January, how we loathe thee. After the magic of Christmas and the New Year dies down, we’re often left with a guilt for over-eating and a pressure to get into shape.

Unfortunately, making the time to go to the gym, can be an uphill task – in fact, arguably more strenuous than even being at the gym itself!

Although there is something about actually being in a gym that forces you to exercise, let’s face it; these are workouts you could technically totally do at home: whether it’s jogging up the stairs, squatting, or crunches – the list goes on.

Rather than lose precious travel time, set aside a corner at your place and give it 20 minutes or more of solid workout time. Bonus: working out at home means you can be as sweaty and noisy as you want to, and feel much less self-conscious of how others around you workout.

In the gallery above are some common household items you can use to bring the gym to your home, giving you a satisfactory workout in the comfort of your own pad.

Shelina Assomull

Photos: Getty Images

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine