Lines Be Gone: 10 Foods that prevent wrinkles

updated the 3 May 2019 à 11:08

Topical products can be great when it comes to fighting signs of aging, but sometimes you need a little extra boost from the things you eat, too.


Are those fine lines starting to appear at the corners of your eyes? Are you about to rush to the nearest pharmacy to purchase the latest technology that fights aging like never before? Now, hold on for a minute and ponder over this: could this discovery be due to the foods that you’re eating?

Don’t be too quick in buying expensive products that don’t fight the root cause of your problem. Anti-aging serums work wonderfully in smoothening your skin, but most of the nutrients from these products stay on the surface instead of being absorbed into the skin, which is what you’ll need if you want to maintain young and healthy skin in the long term. Eating the right foods can help you achieve this – and they taste great too.

To spark off your healthy diet, we’ve pulled together 10 types of food you’ll want to include in your everyday diet. Just head on up to the gallery to see what you’ll need to buy on your next trip to the grocery store. Don’t forget to drink lots of water as well!

Dione Chen

Photos: Getty Images

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine