Slimming Scents: Can certain smells lower your appetite to help you lose weight?

updated the 3 May 2019 à 11:34

Can reducing your hunger really be as simple as smelling an ingredient from your kitchen?

Puressentiel Inhaler Slimstick

It is known that plenty of smells can increase your appetite and food cravings – freshly baked apple pie, anyone? But here’s the ultimate question that everyone wants the answer to: Is it possible to sniff your way to weight loss? It has been said that smelling certain herbs, spices and essential oils can actually lower your appetite. In fact, plenty of research has been done to pin down the appetite-decreasing properties of certain smells.

The magic of apples and bananas

Apparently, the smell of green apples and bananas can lower your appetite. Same goes for grapefruit, fennel and garlic. Many spices like cinnamon and clove can also help. But wouldn’t it be great if you could just carry around these smells in your pocket and take them out to have a small whiff every time you’re feeling a little peckish?

How to conveniently lose weight

Puressentiel, a leading French brand that specialises in aromatherapy, has worked to create a convenient “secret weapon” to fight food cravings and to reduce your hunger. This comes in the form of the Inhaler Slimstick, which incorporates 5 essential oils to help women who tend to snack and binge on food to relieve stress or frustration. By combining the powerful scents of cinnamon, clove, chamomile, bergamot and mandarin essential oils, they have created a portable, aromatic tool for any lady to keep in their purse or handbag.

The Inhaler Slimstick is part of Puressentiel’s Firming line, which also includes a number of products to help women achieve a slimmer, firmer body. Check out the range in the gallery above.

Angela Goh

Read more:

Fight Hunger: 10 Super satiating foods to stay fuller for longer

Wedding Diet: 10 Foods to avoid before the big day

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