Dove’s #ChooseBeauty: Hey girl, you are beautiful!

Dove’s latest viral ad campaign has gotten everyone talking about societal standards of beauty. We give our two-cents worth on the subject.

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With its latest campaign, Dove went viral once again. Did it break the internet? Well, almost with some giving it unwavering support and some that are on the fence.

The campaign which took place across New Delhi, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, London and Shanghai shows women walking through doors marked “Beautiful” and “Average“. This advertisement/social experiment was based upon the survey conducted by Dove, 96% of women chose “Average” when describing themselves.

In the ad, women who chose to walk through the “Average” doors regretted their choices as they felt they were beautiful but just not according to societal standards. One lady in Shanghai even said that to her the “ultimate beauty” signified the beauty of  celebrities in the media, but if she could do it over, she would have walked through the “Beautiful” door instead.

To watch the women make decisions about how they look based on where their friends were going or how they felt about themselves was empowering to say the least when they realised that their decision to walk through the “Average” door was not how they felt truly about their appearances.

Some women chose “Beautiful” right off the bat as they felt beautiful, even if they did not fit society’s perception of beauty.

If you ask us, your self-esteem and perception of beauty is not merely defined by a door you walk through. You can’t help but be influenced by what you see in the media –  but hey, Dove says #ChooseBeauty, but we say #Longhairdontcare. Or #shorthairdontcare.

Who cares? Just be happy being you! There are always things we wish we could improve about ourselves, but as long as you remain confident in who you are as a person, you should not let it get you down.

Whether you agree with this campaign or not, Dove has certainly managed to grab the attention of the masses once again.

PS: We would really like to see this social experiment repeated with men as well. We do wonder how many of them would choose the “Handsome” door…

Cheryl Lee

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