Career in 2015: The 10 most stressful professions revealed

updated the 4 May 2019 à 04:29

Would you tell the little ones to reconsider being a policeman, pilot or actor? Because as cool as they are, these professions made it to the list of the world’s most stressful jobs this year. Take a look at which others made the top 10.

10. News Reporter

Consider yourself lucky if you love your job because some lines of work can induce an overwhelming amount of stress. Jobs that kill your mood, drain your energy and keep you up at night and worse, they don’t pay your bills.

Since stress comes from a variety of factors, having a stressful profession doesn’t necessarily equate to putting one’s life on the line. Take for example, the journalist who is safe and sound at his desk, but bound to several deadlines in a day, in addition to facing merciless public scrutiny on paper, TV or radio.

CareerCast considers how strenuous a job is based on interaction with the public, competitiveness, deadlines, mobility, physical demands, safety issues and environmental conditions. With all that forming the criteria, here are the 10 most stressful jobs of 2015.

Hopefully this will give you more patience with that ancient coffee machine or the unreliable WiFi at your office!

Natasha Gan


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