Stay Sharp: 10 Simple everyday tricks to improve your memory over time

updated the 3 May 2019 à 04:33

Boost your memory and keep your wits sharp all throughout the day at the office!

Clenching your hands

You walk in a room to grab something, except… what exactly was it that you were looking for again? You fumble around the shelves, pull open all the drawers, hoping something will catch your eyes but to no avail. Then, you head to the supermarket and you bump into a neighbour who strikes up a conversation. You have a bright smile on your face and their name on the tip of your tongue. You’ve got it — it either starts with an M or a T, but you can’t quite pin it down. So, you’re content with smiling brightly, referring to them by everything other than their name..

While these situations may make for a funny story over lunchtime, forgetting things is an extremely common predicament. Though some may joke about the woes of growing older, memory loss can happen to anybody of any age. But, that does not mean we have to sit down and accept that as fate. With these ten simple tricks, find yourself pushing your brain to remember more and more so that this will be a thing of the past.

Lee Hui Bing

Photo: Getty Images

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