10 Singaporean vegan Instagrammers with the most gorgeous feeds

updated the 3 May 2019 à 06:40

These vegan Instagram foodies might just convert you.


Admit it, we all love scrolling through the feeds of food Instagrammers. What’s not to love about treating our eyes (and stomachs) to delicious visuals of the most alluring-looking dishes? Go on an Instagram-hopping adventure within the food realm and eventually, you’re bound to land in the beauteous world of vegan foodies. Now, don’t expect it to be filled with drab photos of salads and greens. Vegan Instagrammers are as proficient as any other non-vegan in the food photography department. You’ll be blown away by how magnificent they can make mere oatmeal and cereal look.

So, get ready your Instagram search bars. We’re taking you on a whirlwind of an exploration through the vegan Instagram wilderness. Don’t say we didn’t warn you – you may end up a herbivore by the end of this adventure.

Lim Han

Read More:

Eat Your Greens: 10 Vegan cafés and restaurants in Singapore that will turn you herbivorous

Meatless Meals: Where to go in Kuala Lumpur if you’re a vegan?

Going Green: 10 Protein sources for vegans

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