Evil Heroines: The manipulative one boosts our ego

The manipulative villains are smart and funny, so we like to watch them, but they are never allowed to win the game.


That woman. She is terrible…and really good for the morale. A master in the art of manipulation, you watch her weave her intricate web of lies with relish just like Simone Signoret in Les Diaboliques.

And we pride ourselves in several ways: “first, because we understand and are privy to her plans, since the author or writer exposed us to them,” states Katia Denard, “then secondly because we would have never let the plan fail” unlike the woman who is eventually fooled.

Manipulative or the “double effect-Kiss Cool” she delights us with her pranks and boosts our ego pronto by recognition of our understanding as spectators.


The wicked stepmother’s raging ambitions

The femme fatale brings men to their knees
The madwoman draws us in with fear
The excessively dramatic one who awakens our savage side
Glenn Close, the invincible villain
The 5 most evil heroines we love to hate!

Josephine LEBARD

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine