Facebook: What were the most commented on subjects in 2014?

Unemployment? The Ukrainian crisis? Beyoncé? Find out which topics got Internet users talking with much excitement this year.

Every year, Facebook produces a retrospective report that reveals the current events that shook the world. In 2013, Internet users commented widely on gay marriage, the naming of the new Pope, the Boston Marathon terrorist attack and the typhoon in The Philippines.

So, what were the hot topics in 2014? Unsurprisingly, the World Cup in Brazil was discussed with much excitement. Following behind that, the Ice Bucket Challenge, which aimed to raise awareness for Lou Gehrig’s disease, took the 5th position worldwide. The buzz surrounding this challenge gained immense momentum on social networks thanks to videos made by hundreds of celebrities. Most popular being George W. Bush, Will Smith and Shakira.

The top 10 subjects worldwide were:

  1. The World Cup 2014
  2. The Ebola virus
  3. The elections in Brazil
  4. Robin Williams’ death
  5. Ice Bucket Challenge
  6. The conflict in Gaza
  7. The Malaysia Airlines crash
  8. The Super Bowl
  9. Michael Brown’s death and the subsequent protests in Ferguson, Missouri
  10. The Winter Olympic Games in Sotchi

Facebook specifies that these rankings were established according to the frequency with which a subject was mentioned in postings made between January and December 2014.

Fabienne Broucaret

More social media moments:

Youtube Rewind: What were the most trending videos in 2014?
Year in Search: What did Singaporeans Google for in 2014?
Insta Rewind: Top 10 selfie moments of 2014

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