YouTube Rewind: What were the most trending videos in 2014?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:34
1. Giant Mutant Spider Dog

There’s a high chance that you’ve seen these clips but they definitely warrant a second, third or even fourth watch – they’re popular for a reason after all.

As the year comes to a close, it’s due time for a long sit-down as we go through the ups and downs in a mini flashback of sorts. However, if you’re still not ready for that, then you could at least look to all the major social networks, as they reveal their take on the year thus far.

YouTube for instance has been doing rewinds since 2012 to showcase the top most trending videos within 12 months of active video streaming. These are the clips that have probably appeared on your feed numerous times and out of curiosity clicked on them to see what the fuss was about. From realistic-looking but fake scary babies, social experiments, rap battles, kissing strangers and a spider dog, here’s what people watched, commented and shared the most.

Tarandip Kaur

More social media moments:

Year in Search: What did Singaporeans Google for in 2014?
Facebook: What were the most commented on subjects in 2014?
Insta Rewind: Top 10 selfie moments of 2014

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