Future Mirror: Panasonic’s new innovation dishes beauty and health advice

We tend to look at the mirror more times than we can count but may not particularly be happy with what we see. Here’s how Panasonic’s smart mirror can help.

Panasonic’s smart mirror

One of our never-ending quests is to obtain beautiful and youthful-looking skin. Which results in some of us spending long stretches of time standing in front of the mirror, analysing the condition of our skin. These ‘mirror sessions’ then generally lead to the aesthetician, dermatologist, beauty shop or anywhere to figure out what could be done to improve our complexion.

Well, Panasonic’s new innovation, introduced at the Consumer Electronic Show 2015, could certainly help us save time by killing two birds with one stone. The Japanese company has set up a smart mirror prototype to analyse all skin types in order to highlight their imperfections and dish out bespoke health and beauty advice.

How does it work?

Thanks to the facial recognition software and sensor technology, the smart mirror displays a widened hologram-like reflection of your face on a wall. It focuses on your skin condition to highlight your imperfections, such as free radical damage, under-eye circles, wrinkles and blemishes, among others.

Once the skin check-up is complete, the mirror then gives personalised professional advice to cleanse your face and achieve healthy, youthful skin for longer. These include skincare products and makeup tips to hide blemishes, in addition to tailored guidance. It even proceeds, virtually, to show the recommended changes and adjustments on your faux reflection projected on the wall; in other words, how you will look like if you follow the advice. For example, the mirror can detect that your skin is dry and that you need more sleep. It will then advise you to drink a particular juice recipe and use a certain moisturiser and makeup.

We would really love to own this magic mirror! The only drawback is that it is still a prototype and is destined only for department stores, salons and other professional beauty spots at the moment. We can only dream right?

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Lindsay POUI-DI

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