A Zen beginning: the ABCs of feng shui

Chinese New Year celebrations are just around the corner, and we want to start the new year on the right foot. The feng shui principles are here to help so here are the basics you need to know.


Feng shui, “air and water”, was first used to determine the most favourable sites for ancestors’ graves, based on the idea derived from Taoism, that everything surrounding us (even a table) is formed by a circulating energy flow.

The interaction amongst the elements: Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal and Water, are complex – feng shui harmonises our lives and environments, rebalancing these forces by playing on the connections between colours, numbers, materials, emotions, forms…

For example, a vase is associated with water and fluidity, a red object with fire and passion, and a plant with wood and dynamism… Be it in terms of orientation, materials or architecture, 80% of the buildings in Hong Kong are built according to these principles to find the balance of yin and yang, those cosmic forces that completely oppose each other…but are inseparable and complementary!

Continue reading our report on “Chinese New Year: A Zen beginning with feng shui”:

A Zen beginning: Reorganising your space

A Zen beginning: Creating a yin-yang balanced decor

A Zen beginning: Setting the table right

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine