10 Calcium-rich foods to replace your milk intake

updated the 3 May 2019 à 16:47

Milk isn’t the only source of calcium. Discover 10 other food products that help preserve bone health (and other benefits!).


Having trouble digesting milk and looking for other ways to consume calcium? It’s easy, since they’re in many foods!


Calcium is, rightly, considered essential to the integrity of our skeleton. Coupled with vitamin D which favors its assimilation by the intestine and its attachment to the bone cells, it helps prevent osteoporosis and fracture risk away repeatedly. These are not its only functions. It also prevents cavities and helps reduce anxiety and spasms. With sodium and potassium, it allows the body’s cells to function properly and to exchange information.

To stay healthy, we need at least a gram of calcium daily before age 65 and 1.5 grams after 65 years. What are the signs of a possible deficit? Dull hair, brittle nails, or nails that split, teeth that become brittle, sores, muscle aches, etc. Talk to your doctor and do not hesitate to ask for a determination of vitamin D to ensure that the problem is not there.

Laura Gabrieli and Nur Syazana H.


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