6 Healthy alternatives to pasta

updated the 4 May 2019 à 02:33

Whether you are intolerant to gluten or you wish to keep an eye on your figure, here are some different choices to replace paste, without still feeling hungry.


We adore pasta! Rich in complex carbohydrates, they provide the body with long-lasting energy. However, it is better not to eat white pasta every day – they’re made from refined wheat flour and contain few vitamins, minerals and fibre. Besides, their glycemic index is high, which implies that they quickly increase blood sugar, favouring fat storage.


Potatoes, rice, bread, and cereal belong, just like pastas, to the family of starchy foods. They thus represent an important source of slow-burning sugars essential to the body’s health. Opt for wholegrain versions, as their glycemic index is lower than refined ones. In addition, wholegrain cereals contain many more key nutrients for your health.


Some of us also have to avoid pasta because we are intolerant to gluten (celiac disease), or because we are hypersensitive to the big molecule found in wheat and numerous cereals. Hence, all the food presented in the gallery above are 100% gluten-free.

Bon appétit!

Maia Baudelaire

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