6 Fruits and vegetables to keep you trim

updated the 4 May 2019 à 00:57

Feeling unfit and no time to exercise? Get in shape by adding these fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Red fruits

There is no secret to losing weight or keeping a trim figure. The age-old method of having a varied and balanced diet stands true, filled with proteins, carbohydrates, dry vegetables and of course fruits and vegetables.

How do fruits and vegetables help us slim down?

They are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants,  precious allies for our health. They contain fibres that help with the digestion and increases the feeling of satiety. Largely, fruits and vegetables are relatively low in calories -compared to meat or cereal, for example – they are small things that help us feel good and keep trim..

However, do not force-feed yourself vegetables and fruits. Weight gain or loss depends on the number of calories consumed vs the calories expended.

500 calories of carrots is the same as 500 calories of chocolate, even though they have different nutritional values. Thus, the best way is to keep moving and have a reasonable quantity of food.

The Japanese know this concept well. This explains why they are the slimmest people in the entire world, and also some of the healthiest!

Gregoire Provost

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine